
Novel Goggles


writing / planning

About this app

Novel Goggles is a web application that writers can use to plan or analyse their writing projects (fictional short stories, novels or book series), including the structure of their novel, description of characters and character development, world building, pace and tension, story arcs and the story timeline. In comparison to the competition, Novel Goggles provides a more comprehensive perspective of the user's creative writing projects. This is done by allowing the user a view of their creative world building and character development, integrated with a view of the overall technical structure of their novel. The narrative timeline is then integrated into this perspective, allowing the user a full view of the creative and technical aspects of their work and how this evolves over the timeline of their story. In summary, the user is provided a view that merges the creative and analytical view of their novel and shows how these elements evolve over the timeline of the story being told.